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The University of British Columbia

Okanagan campus

Combustion for Propulsion and Power Laboratory

Welcome to our laboratory webpage!
Our laboratory's mission is to develop knowledge and technologies that make aviation and power generation engines cleaner, more robust, and safer. To do this, we play with lasers and fire! Browse this webpage to find out more about our projects, findings, and research opportunities.
Video description: We have successfully tested a device that allows for mitigating loud acoustics in gas turbine engines. Please watch soundfully!
January 2025, Our lab is excited to have Allison Siddon joining us! Welcome Allison!

January 2025, Congratulations to Sajjad Mohammadnejad for his paper accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. Well done Sajjad!

November 2024, Congratulations to Hamoun Nabilou for his paper accepted for publication in Fuel. Well done Hamoun!

September 2024, Congratulations to Ali Rostami for his paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Well done Ali!

September 2024, Congratulations to Hamoun Nabilou for successfully defending his thesis. Well done Hamoun!

August 2024, Congratulations to Dr. Mohammadnejad for his paper accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame. Well done Sajjad!

June 2024, Congratulations to Mr. Liam Krebbers for being awarded the Governor General's medal for his academic achievements! Well done Liam!

May 2024, Congratulations to Vahid Ahmadi for joining CPPL! We are excited to have you onboard and welcome!

May 2024, Congratulations to Sajjad, Ali, Hamoun, and Liam for presenting their conference papers in the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute in Kingston, Canada.

April 2024, Congratulations to Mr. Ali Rostami for having his paper accepted for oral presentation in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute!

April 2024, Congratulations to Sepehr Mosadegh for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

April 2024, Congratulations to Sajjad Mohammadnejad for being awarded an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship! We wish Sajjad all the best!

January 2024,
 Congratulations to Morteza Nahvi for joining CPPL! Welcome Morteza, we are excited to have you!

November 2023, Congratulations to Liam and Devon for having their paper presenting their thermoacoustic control device accepted for publication in the Review of Scientific Instruments! Well done!

September 2023, Congratulations to Mr. Amirhossein Ghorbani for joining CPPL! We are excited to have you onboard Amir, welcome!

August 2023, Congratulations to Sepehr Mosadegh for joining the School of Engineering as a lecturer for our aerospace option, as he is wrapping up his last article and thesis. Well done Sepehr!

August 2023, Congratulations to Mr. Liam Krebbers and co-authors Sajjad Mohammadnejad and Ali Rostami for having their article accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame! In this article, we report, quantify, and relate instabilities of spray flames of Jet fuel. Stay tuned for details!

June 2023, Congratulations to Mr. Ali Rostami for having his article accepted for publication in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Well done Ali!

June 2023, Combustion for Propulsion and Power Laboratory hosted Professor Serhiy Yarusevych of U Waterloo to give a talk on experimental fluid mechanics. 

May 2023, Congratulations to Sajjad, Sepehr, Ali, and Liam for presenting their conference papers in the Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute in Edmonton, Canada.

April 2023, Congratulations to Liam and Devon for being awarded the NSERC USRA for the summer! Congratulations to Edmon for joining our lab as the summer student!

November 2022, Congratulations to Liam for presenting his work in the American Physical Society in Indianapolis, US. 

August 2022, Congratulations to Sajjad and Leslie for having turbulence generator paper accepted to Physics of Fluids!

July 2022, Congratulations to Sepehr for having his paper accepted in Physics of Fluids!
June 2022, Congratulations to CPPL for having our first U.S. Patent Application filed. Well done Sajjad and Leslie! Contact Dr. Kheirkhah, if you are an energy-related company that would like to reduce your carbon footprint by safely burning hydrogen!

May 2022, Hamoun Nabilou is joining CPPL for his Master's program. We are excited to have him onboard. Very welcome Hamoun!

May 2022, Congratulations to Liam Krebbers for joining CPPL for the summer! Liam, very welcome to the team!

May 2022, Congratulations to Leslie Saca for successfully defending her Master's thesis. Well done Leslie!

March 2022, Congratulations to Sajjad for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis! Very well done Sajjad. We are more than happy to have Sajjad joining as a PDF too, starting April 1! A lot to hear on Sajjad's postdoc projects and findings.

December 2021, Are you a motivated and a recently graduated Ph.D.? CPPL has a postdoc position available for spray combustion of sustainable aviation fuels. Your project will be completed in close collaboration with materials and computer scientists. If you are interested, email Dr. Kheirkhah your CV.

December 2021, Congratulations to Leslie for having her paper accepted for presentation in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Very well done Leslie!

November 2021, Are you interested about doped combustion? Well, Sepehr is giving a talk in the American Physical Society- Division of Fluid Dynamics online. Check it out here.

October 2021, Congratulations to Sepehr Mosadegh for his paper on droplet combustion just published in Combustion and Flame! Very well done Sepehr!

August 2021, Are you interested to know what is next in turbulent premixed combustion science? Check Dr. Kheirkhah's review paper.

July 2021, Congratulations to Deepanshi Sisodiya for successfully defending her M.A.Sc. thesis. Well done Deepanshi and thanks to her co-supervisor Dr. Brinkerhoff! Link to Deepanshi's thesis is here.

May 2021, Congratulations to Vladimir Shevliakov and Andre Terrein, two of our own undergraduate students, for joining our lab.

April 2021, Congratulations to Sajjad for having two of his papers just accepted in Combustion and Flame as well as Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Very well done Sajjad! Watch out for the CNF paper... We wrestled with an 80-year-old question in combustion science.

April 2021, Congratulations to Ramin for his paper just published in Combustion Science and Technology!

March 2021, Congratulations to Mr. Ali Rostami for joining our lab. Very welcome Ali!

March 2021, Congratulations to Sahar for successfully defending her thesis.

November 2020, CPPL has a new Ph.D. position available for non-reacting spray dynamics. Please send your CV and transcripts to Dr. Kheirkhah.

November 2020, Congratulations to Sajjad, Morales, Deepanshi, and Sahar for presenting their work in the American Physical Society-Division of Fluid Dynamics. Find their talks here​.

November 2020, Congratulations to Mr. Zejia Xu for joining our lab as a Master's student. Welcome Zejia!

October 2020, Ramin did an excellent job of defending his thesis. Very well done and best wishes Ramin!

October 2020, Congratulations to Sahar for having her paper accepted in the journal of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science! Read more about her work here.

September 2020, Congratulations to Sajjad for his paper being accepted in Combustion and Flame! Read about his work here. Well done!
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